My Creative Process

 Welcome back! In this week's article I wanted to share the steps to my own creative process! If you have any questions feel free to contact me through my Instagram

When it comes to making original artwork, there are several steps that are involved in the process. I don’t just “come up with ideas,” there’s more to it than that. There’s a process to creating cool things which I like to call the creative process. Each person may have different steps in their own process because we all create differently! But for now I am going to share the steps to my creative process. 

First, I find inspiration. I can find inspiration from pictures or videos I see online such as trends. I can also find inspiration from what I see people wearing around me, and I can also be inspired by a vision I had by myself for a new piece of art. 

After figuring out what I would like to make, such as deciding on making a bag or a ring. I then come up with a vision or a plan. Making a vision could consist of deciding what colors, beads, shapes, or sizes I want to use in my piece! Creating a plan helps me better understand what I am aiming to make. It also makes it easier for me to actually bring my plan to life. 

Lastly, I put it all together and actually create the piece. This is easier said than done. This step often takes a lot of trial and error. Oftentimes the plan I’ve made for myself doesn’t quite work out or look like what I expected it to look like. In that case I go back to the drawing board and try again with a new plan. Other times my plan does work! I end up with a beautiful piece of new artwork that I’m excited to share!

Creating new things isn’t easy or perfect. It’s a process and it takes time, practice, and patience. But never give up! You’ll find a way to make your own special thing too!

That wraps up the steps to my creative process! If you have any questions feel free to contact me through Instagram and checkout my Etsy! Thank you for reading this week’s article, stay tuned for next week! (392 words)


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